Earlier this month, the Government announced that all pupils must be provided with an onsite, supervised, lateral flow test on their return to school in January 2022.

As you can imagine, this is no small undertaking with 1,447 pupils on our books and no additional staffing capacity to man our testing facility. With this in mind we will have to facilitate a slightly staggered start to the new term. On this occasion, this will be organised as:

Monday 10th January: Year 8, 9 and 10 attend school to complete their LFT and flu vaccination.

Tuesday 11th January: Year 7 and Year 11 attend school to complete their LFT and flu vaccination Years 8, 9 and 10 attend lessons as normal.

Wednesday 12th January: Full return for all pupils.

Pupils in these year groups should be kept at home on the days stated. Online work will be set on Firefly. This is an incredibly fast moving situation and I want to thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding.

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